Sunday, July 27, 2014

Media: Ernest & Celestine

I want to keep this mostly a literary blog, but I’d be lying if I said that my interest of anthropomorphic animal media was limited only to literature. I’d like to be able to share all sorts of things I enjoy that I think focus on the topic, especially if they’re fun and interesting in their own right.

With that in mind, here’s something that’s been demanding my attention!

Film is one of my great passions, believe it or not, and animated films especially. Aside from being passionate about them for obvious reasons, I just really appreciate animated movies for how they display art in motion. In an animated film, there’s just a special ‘something’ that can’t be replicated with live action. Something otherworldly and wonderful that can sweep you away.

Ernest & Celestine is the perfect example of that!

Aside from folks who follow film awards, I have encountered very few people who have heard of this film, and even fewer who have seen it, and it’s a darned shame. The movie is beautiful, done in a hand-drawn animation style with a distinctly European feel to it, especially thanks to the setting of the film itself being in France, from what I’ve gathered. The story follows two characters of two very different races. Ernest, a bear, is a poor musician who’s struggling to find money and, more importantly, food. Celestine is a mouse living in an orphanage who also isn’t terribly fond of her lot in life, a job of collecting teeth. The kicker to the story? Bears live above-ground in the city, generally living as people do and enjoying all of the (somewhat) modern luxuries. Mice live below-ground and are basically considered hated vermin. The two races absolutely hate and/or fear one another and forcibly keep to themselves… Until Ernest and Celestine become friends and turn the city on its head.

I won’t spoil the rest of the story, but I will say that it’s wonderfully told and has a solid message behind it that never gets too heavy handed but also never stops being sweet. I recommend it highly!

Hurrah for unlikely friendships!

Happy reading, all!

Currently Reading:

Silverwing by Kenneth Oppel

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