Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Happy Furry Book Month!

Hello one and all!

I wanted to make you readers aware that October is a very special month indeed. Not just because of Halloween, Leif Erikson Day, or even National Nut Day (October 22 for the curious)!

Celebrating October in style!

No, October is extra special because it is officially known as Furry Book Month! At least, it’s official insofar as the month was declared as such by the Furry Writer’s Guild.
From what I can tell by reading their post about it and doing a little bit of Google Searching research, this is the first month that this has ever been made official, and I would like to join in to promote it to the few folks who read here!

Here are some details from the month borrowed and summarized from Skye Lansing (Check out his author blog here!), who seems to be one of the key promoters:

What is Furry Book Month?
It is a month-long campaign to help promote anthropomorphic literature and the producers of such content. While the focus of the campaign is on newer anthro literature, there is nothing at all wrong with taking this month to share classic from your collection! To help with the promotion, some publishers and book sellers are offering fantastic discounts for some of their books that fall under the ‘furry’ subgenre. You can read all about the current deals being offered at the Furry Writer’s Guild!

What is a Furry Book?
In the broadest sense, a furry book is any book that features anthropomorphic animal characters. We’ve talked about anthropomorphic literature plenty of times here, so you readers should be pros at identifying these! However, just because the book has anthropomorphic animals in it does NOT guarantee a discount from publishers. The discounts for this month seem largely to be focusing on books targeting or produced by the furry sub-culture. This doesn’t mean that you can’t promote and enjoy your copy of Redwall, though! It just means you might not be able to get it for half price.

How long does Furry Book Month last?
It lasts from October 1st – 31st, though some deals from publishers may have smaller windows.

Now, despite the naming, Furry Book Month does not have to be about the Furry sub-culture! Even if you have no interest at all in that, this month serves as a great way to promote the kinds of books that we enjoy! Who knows? If we can expand awareness of this month even further, more publishers and websites might get in on the fun, and it’ll go a long ways toward encouraging more writers in our favorite genre.

Besides that, this is a great excuse for me to talk to even more people about anthropomorphic literature at the library.

These guys have the right idea!

Until next time, happy reading!


Currently reading:

Gene Wilder: Funny and Sad by Brian Scott Mednick (Uhh… he played a fox in a movie once! It totally counts) 
Lackadaisy Vol. 2 by Tracy J. Butler